Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Monday, September 27, 2010

The Beginning

Well, here I go again!
I'm already making my check-list. Actually, check-lists. One of things to do here in Sao Paulo and another one of what I need to get done in Mexico City.
  • School for the kids;
  • How to bring the pets to Mexico.
We need to find a school that is accredited in the US. Why? Because we plan on moving back! There are some international schools in Mexico City and some bi-lingual schools. If you haven't been an expat before you're wondering what is the difference. There are several differences but the curriculum is the major one. I can talk more about schools later but the fact is that there are only 2 accredited schools in mexico City and now I have to choose one. How to make this decision? By considering what is best for my kids. What kind of program they have, how many other american kids there will be in their class and what kind of after school activities they offer.
And now the pets. Well, I have 1 dog and 3 cats. yes, call me crazy!! That's what my husband calls me sometimes but I am a sucker for a stray animal. And this creates a big problem when we're about to relocate.
When we moved to Brazil the pets were younger - yes, 3 and a half years make a difference in their lives. Some of them traveled in-cabin with us and some came in the cargo compartment of the same flight. We have a persian cat and a black cat that we adopted from the SPCA that have restrictions flying in the cargo compartment. The persian is because of his short nose, just like bulldogs, pugs and boxers. And my black american short hair is because of his heart murmur.
This time I have to figure out how to bring them all in-cabin! Have you ever tried to do this?? It is a nightmare!! My dog is an english cocker spaniel, he's 12 years old, he's going blind and has a heart problem so putting him in the cargo compartment would be a death sentence to him. My white cat, an american short hair is the only one who could fly in cargo, but I would really feel bad for her for flying alone over there. There is usually a lot of turbulence on this route.
If you have never had a pet you probably don't understand me but if you do you can sympathize with me.
Aeromexico won't fly my pets in-cabin and the american carriers have all different kinds of restrictions but I'm still trying to work with them. They won't sell tickets to my pets even tough I already offer to buy as many as they think are necessary.
So this is where I'm at today. Wish me luck!!

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