Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Third Culture Kids

As I've mentioned before,  there is a term to describe kids like mine, expats. They are called Third Culture Kids, or TCK's.  I just came across a very interesting page today.http://wanjennifer.tripod.com/

If you are an expat or thinking about becoming one you should read about TCK's. It will help you better understand what your child is going thru or will go thru.

I also recommend:



Enjoy your reading.

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