Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Super Commute Cost

The kids are on vacation and as usual I've been traveling with them and one of the trips we took was to Mexico City, for 5 days. And this time, I was there for work. I was invited to speak with a few HR Directors about the super commute.

Just like me, there are a few wives who are choosing not to move to Mexico City for many different reasons and HR Directors wanted my help guiding them thru this new reality. Here are a few points we discussed:

  1.  Company Cost. It varies from company to company and the employee level. But the cost of the american school for 2 kids will offset the price of most flights to the United States. The company will save with the moving costs too - depending on the package which can include the costs to sell a house, it is not a bad deal for the company. 
  2. Cost For The Employee. Not having to sell or rent the house, sell the car and fork out some of the costs that every move has is usually an attractive option for them. 
  3. Location Matter. If an employee has to commute from a place where there are no daily flights and where the flight is more then 3 hours long I do not recommend this alternative in most cases.
  4. Flexible Schedule.  The bosses have to understand the employees situation and accept the fact that sometimes he won't be in the office or attend some meetings because he will have to go home. And sometimes the employee won't be able to go home because of work and meetings. A balance need to be reached. Allowing the employee to work one day a week from home is a great compromise. If the job that needs to get done is done then there's no reason to worry.
  5. Commitment From The Employee. He/she won't be able to call in sick every month. Understand that you've made an agreement with the company and that you're presence in the office is necessary. Changing the flight because there is a hurricane on the way is one thing but doing so because it's raining too much and you don't feel like driving to the airport is a no-no.
  6. Jet Lag Effect. From our experience losing time going to Mexico works better than gaining time going to Mexico. In our experience it is a lot more tiring to fly from CA to Mexico City than it is to fly from TX or FL. The time of the flights also matter. 
  7. Family Life. The kids won't become fluent in spanish but they also won't have to put up with the hardships of learning it. The family will keep their routine and it can be a good thing. There are some perks and some hardships on any move. Meeting the wives, knowing their needs and expectations is extremely important.
  8. Health Plan. The companies will have to find a way to keep the employee enrolled on a helth plan in the US with the family and one in Mexico, for an emergency.
  9. It Is Temporary. Always keep in mind that this deal won't last forever. 
We covered a lot more butI hope this help you with your considerations.

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