Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Flying With Pets On-board or Cargo?

It seems like most families who decide to have pets - I am only referring to cats and dogs - end up loving the pets as a family member. i don't know if this is something recent or not, but it is a fact.

All my family members love having pets. And it has been this way for generations. My great grandmother used to tell me stories about her pets - she had dogs, cats and bunnies. My grandparents had lots of dogs. I remember one in particular, a great dane named Big, to whom my grandfather, who was an ear, nose and throat doctor, used to give all the vitamins samples he was given. That dog was huge, and so loving. I remember riding him like a horse.  And I had dogs, cats, bunnies, goldfish and chicks growing up. My husband's family is the same way. So when we bought our dogs and adopted our cats they had the status of family members.

Of course my pets are extremely well taken care of. They have all their shots and are very healthy. The bag of cat food and dog food we bought for them in Brazil costs 80 Reais each - about 45 dollars. We feed them Science Diet. And most dog owners I know take the same kind of care of their pets. Maybe they feed them other brands, but you get the idea. I know I take better care of my pets then some people do of their family members. Why can't they fly on board? Wouldn't it be great to have an airline cater to families with pets?

I understand that some people don't like animals. Or have allergies to cats or dogs. And I respect it. If someone doesn't like my dog I am happy to keep him away. But to have them prohibited from flying on board seems a bit much.  

There is the safety concern. In case of an accident they can get on the way and all. But isn't it the same with a baby? The airlines should have a waiver passing all the responsibilities of what happens to the pets to us, easy. I would sign it. And sell the extra seat to us. I would buy an extra seat for my pets!

You all must be thinking I am crazy by now, but what is our alternative? Flying them in cargo. And what does it means?

It means that our precious family members are going to be flying in a pressurized, acclimatized basement. Some airplanes have a special compartment for the pets to travel - most don't. But it is still loud and dark. And because usually the pets fly with luggage if there is a chance to have a loss of pressurization. It won't matter for who's in the cabin but it can kill the animal. The temperature variation can also happen. This is why short nosed breeds can not fly during certain periods of time.

Can you put yourself on your pet's shoes? Being frightened, away from your family in a dark, loud and too hot or too cold place? Add some turbulence to this. It is not uncommon for pets to die after a flight. The older they are, the more it happens.

A good compromise would be to have the plane manufactures - hello, Boing and Airbus!! - build a small area in cargo for the pets in all planes. An area with dimmed light, controlled temperature and pressurization, and a camera, so the pilot, co-pilot or even the owner could see if everything is ok. I would fly my pets this way.  We wouldn't bother anyone and we would know our pets are safe. Everyone would be happy, and the pets would also be safe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should be known that people can and have the right to travel with their pets. Despite these tips to embark on a trip with them, people have to find places and amenities that accept them. It is easy to find many Mexico packages that allow your pet to travel next to you. What’s more, there are many hotels in Riviera Maya that are pet friendly. So don’t miss the opportunity to travel with your little friends!!