Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Super Commute x Relocating

Well, as you know, the school options in mexico are not the best. The fact that they hadn't been open about the reason why the are "accredited under advisement" is not a good sign, in my opinion. And the fact that they try to hide this fact on their websites, leading people to believe that they are fully accredited schools only make it worse to me. So what are my other options?

At this point we are living between Florida and Mexico City. We go there every other weekend and my husband does the same, alternating. This way the kids are getting a flavor of Mexico and I will have more time to evaluate the other alternatives. We would like to move to Mexico City by the end of this school year. 

The other school we're looking into are the british schools, Greengates and Eton. Two completely different alternatives, I know, but they may be the only solution. It seems like they both offer good education but I don't know how their curriculums will compare to the american curriculum.

We know of another couple - the husband is american and works with my husband - who is just pulling their kids out of AFC and going to Greengates. I will go for my interview there in 2 weeks. I can't wait to see what's all about. It will be nice to have the whole family together again if it work out. And I hope it does.

But I must say, we're pretty happy doing the super commute. Being back to the U.S. after 3 1/2 years abroad is like a breath of fresh air. All the traveling is still ok with us, the kids love to fly and they're enjoying Mexico City . To them it's like a weekend vacation. We have some nice people caring for our pets on the weekends we're gone. But I know this will get old soon. So the options will be having my husband do the super commute every weekend or moving to Mexico. It is only a 2 1/2 hour flight. And he's so used to traveling that he thinks this could actually work. Plus now is a good time to buy a house in Florida. And if he gets transferred elsewhere we can keep a home-base here.

In the end it will come down to where can the kids get a better education. I know Florida is not a top rank state but there are some really good schools here. Both public and private. Our options are endless. And, in my opinion, contrary to others, Mexico City does not offer top notch education. 

My kids are now enrolled at a great public school but they may go to a private middle school when time comes. And they couldn't be happier with their school here. We truly believe that the best gift we can give to our children is education. And we didn't buy the story that what we sacrifice in their schooling they will get in international experience. We want both. So this is where we're at right now. 


Anonymous said...

Hello...may have to move to Mexico City this summer and will have a middle schooler and a high senior....I have heard the American school has a problem with bullying...so we too are considering the British school....Would love to hear more thoughts on both schools??? Is the American school the one "under advisement???" Thanks for your blog!

Cecilia said...
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Cecilia said...

Hi. Yes, the American School, ASF, is the one under advisement. I also heard about the bullying issues. When I was interviewing there I asked about their bullying policy and they told me they don't have one in place. I've heard about drug problems at the British school, to be honest with you. But you should check both of them out to get to your own conclusion. I am still not sold in any one of them. I'm still searching for a school. I wish you the best of luck with your relo!