Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Monday, March 14, 2011

More About The Move

I am completely exhausted. And overwhelmed. Tackle a 40'HC container is no easy task. Can someone remind me why did I put myself in this situation again??

So far I think I've done 20 loads of laundry. About 20 more of dishes. But I am not even close of being done. Everything that came out of the container needs to be washed. And I mean everything. This things have been in boxes since the beginning of December. My things are smelling like mold. And my asthma can not handle it.

Today, again, I had the help of the Professional Organizer. And we had 8 large garbage bags filled with things to donate. We also had 4 more bags of garbage. I am really committed to get rid of the clutter in my live and I've been letting go of a lot more than I ever taught I would be able to. And the kids joined me and let go of lots of clothes and toys they have already outgrown. It feels good! We still have a big task ahead of us. We need to de-clutter the playroom. After years of living abroad we became professional toy hoarders. It was so hard to find nice and inexpensive toys in Sao Paulo that every time we came to the US we felt like it was christmas and we shopped for as many toys as we could. But now it is time to donate the ones we don't use anymore and trash the ones that are broken or have missing pieces. But it's easier said then done. We'll also have to pick some toys to bring to Mexico. It will help have the house there feeling more like a home.

I honestly think that it will take a month before I can make our new home livable. But I'll do my best to get it done sooner.

Oh, and talk about costumer service, I still don't have comcast installed. Yes, no cable, no internet and no phone! And I'm in the US!! Comcast has been even worse than NET, out provider in Sao Paulo. And this says a lot. See, there are things in the US that are awful too. I've been waiting for over a week for this to get done. I'm totally going to call Directv tomorrow. Wish me luck!


ComcastCares1 said...

Moving is tiring, but it will all be worth it once you got everything settled.

I work for Comcast. I can reach out to my contacts to get the install expedited. Feel free to contact me if you're interested.


Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations

Cecilia said...

Thank you, Mark! I got it installed today. The installer was very nice but the dispatcher and Michelle, a supervisor, they were so rude! But it's done now.

Cecilia said...

More problems with comcast as seen on my new post. It never ends...