Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where To Relocate To??

Don't you also have the feeling that bad things are happening all over the world? Middle-East crisis, tsunami and earthquake in Japan, mudslide and floods in Brazil, drug cartel wars in Mexico, Chavez taking away the rights of the people in Venezuela, economic crisis in the US and Europe...

And then the company asks us to relocate? So where can and should we move to? Tough questions to answer. We never know what wait for us. We will have to up route our whole lives which is already something difficult to do but putting our families in an unsafe situation is every expat worse nightmare!

I had to draw the line a couple of times. There are some countries I would never move to. They may be exactly what other people would want but they are not for me. It's not that some countries are better than others. It's just that I know I can adapt to certain cultures better than others. 

Staying within the americas seems like it's been the best for us. I can speak portuguese and some spanish. My husband learned both languages very easily. He is fluent in both. Brazil and Mexico are also not too far from the US. There are daily flights between these countries. There isn't a big cultural difference. It was easy to adapt.

There are some countries in Europe I would like to move to. I would also like to move to Hong Kong. Or to New Zealand. My dream relocation would be to Australia. But there are some countries I would never, ever move to. I really don't think I would adapt to the culture. Same for my husband. So why bother?

We were once offered an assignment in a country we had no desire to move to. We were in Brazil, during our first expat assignment when we were offered two possibilities. Moving back to the US and getting a normal job or moving to this other country and getting a bigger promotion. We took the first option. And we don't regret it. Neither one of us think we could have been happy in that country. And we were ready to start our family. And recently there were talks about a future assignment for us that I am not interested in. So as I was asked, in a casual conversation, how did I feel about that particular country I answered with a joke that got my point across. Everybody laughed and I know that this particular country won't be in our future anymore. 

So you really need to weight your possibilities. Not taking an assignment may be better than taking one that you're not going to enjoy. I already mentioned the family who only stayed in Brazil for 9 months and the cost it had. Think about it. Now mix it with the world uncertainties and come up with your answer. You're the one relocating, after all. 


Anonymous said...

I've been following your posts, since we may relocate to Mexico City some time later this year. We are now posted in Sydney, Australia. It is a spectacular spot, you will not want to leave. We love it, we've spent the last 3 years. We have 3 young kids, 6, 7 and 9 and we are all settled and will miss it terribly. I read above that it is your dream destination. Well truely it is a dream! Kimberly

Cecilia said...

Thank you, Kimberly! I really hope to, someday, move to Sidney. I always wanted to move to Australia. I even applied for college at the New South Whales University but after I got accepted my Grandmother, who raised me, begged me not to move to "the other side of the world" as she called it, and I just did not have the heart to do it. I am so happy you had this opportunity. And I wish you the best on your move to Mexico City!