Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Managing Life in 3 Countries

It's hard to believe but we're living between 3 countries: Mexico, U.S. and Brazil. And, man, it is difficult to manage it.

We still have our apartment up for rent in Brazil, so we have to pay the condo fees, taxes, water, gas and power there. So we still have to have a bank account there. I also have to work with realtors to make sure that we're having showings and all. But in Brazil they don't have a unified listing and realtors hate to have to split the commission. This hasn't been an easy task. And being so far away there is not much I can do. We really need to rent this apartment soon. So I need to keep working on it.

In mexico, my husband just moved to a smaller apartment closer to work. He needed to simplify his life. His new car is finally ready and work has been keeping him super busy. And I need to make sure he has everything he needs there too. I like to take care of him even from far away.

And, here in the U.S., I am getting ready to move to our permanent address. We bought a house that we can keep even if we have to move again in 3 years. We decided that it would be good for the kids to have a place to call home no matter where we end up later. So I have to manage this move, school, after school activities, pets...

We are starting to plan what to do during the vacations. We have to put together the calendars - the school and the mexican holidays - to try to figure out how we can spend some extra time together. Take a few trips in Mexico with my husband without him missing work. We also have to go to Brazil to pick up my husband's government pension money. So we'll have to be there for at least a week. It will be good to see some friends.

So we'll be juggling between countries for a while. Maybe when it's all done and we settle in one place we'll miss all this craziness. I'll let you know. 

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