Welcome to the expat life!

I'm going on my second international relocation as a wife. We moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 3 years ago and now we're moving to Mexico City, Mexico.
As I know very well relocating is not easy but it is a choice. So, even with all the issues we have I'll try to make the best out of it!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pets Update

It's been a while since I talked about my pets. The poor things had a tough time during this move. First the hotel, then the flight(s), temporary housing and now, finally, they have a home! And how are they doing?

Well, after being flown from Brazil to Mexico and then to the US my dog had some skin rashes. Stress rashes. But he loved to be back in a house rather than an apartment or a hotel room. And he was also missing having his family with him. He was so happy to see the kids. And to play with them. His skin is already better. He loves the new backyard. He can run free and lay down in the sun. And now that we don't need to drive armored cars anymore he is enjoying the car rides with the open window. He never gets tired of the wind on his face.

The cats were also stressed with the move. My persian cat is the one who adapted the easiest. He's happy just to be around us. We're his 3rd family, so I am sure he's just happy to have not been left behind. His hair got super matted during the first weeks after our arrival so we gave him a lion cut and he looks good. It is also one less thing for me to worry about right now. Less hair, less work for me and less shedding - aka less hair on the floor. My white cat started losing some hair out of her belly. Also stress related. But now she's happy and settled, her hair is growing and she's back to protecting the house. She loves to walk around the perimeter to make sure everything is ok. And she also loves to spend time in the backyard. My black cat got some white hair. He's the one with the heart problem but his heart is ok. He is also enjoying the outdoors but his favorite place to stay is by the front gate, observing what is going on at our street. 

They all seem to be adjusting well. It is funny but the one who's been having the hardest time adjusting is my daughter. And she always seemed to be the most adaptable one. But, this is another story...

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